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Het Klokhuis

This fun photo was made for the Dutch children’s television show “Het Klokhuis”, a program on which a wide variety of professions are explained to the children in an engaging and understandable way.

On one of the broadcasts, I was asked to explain what advertising photography was, how it worked and what it is like to work in the field.

I decided that the best way to explain my profession was to create a fake advertising case study. I chose an advert for running shoes, since it is a kind of photographic assignment that commonly comes up in ones professional career. I decided to create a case where, due to costs and production issues, the image had to be composited from several shots–a situation that’s quite common within the industry. 

The result was this photo. The Brooklyn Bridge is in the foreground of the photo with a sneaky Chicago skyline pasted into the background. For the runner displaying the shoes, I had the host of the show jump on a trampoline in front of a blue screen in the studio. I masked that image in the computer and added it to the composite. Result!

The show I presented on can be seen here (in Dutch)


Author admin

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