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Free art director portrait, your chance of obtaining a real Marc van Oene

Every once in a while, friends ask me for a personal portrait. So did Soeniel Balak, a very talented art director, whom I worked with for years. We did many award winning projects together. Working for clients such as Burger King and the Dutch royal army for instanceĀ and many more have delivered nice advertisments that are still a joy to look at. When he asked me to do a proper portrait for his website and social media profile pictures, I came up with the idea of “moving” portraits with abstract sound.

The result we feel is very interesting and have many options to refine. I figured wouldn’t it be nice to do more of these shots and move on experimenting? It’s not only a great way to meet each other and having coffee, but by doing such a portrait, it’s a nice remembrance of a lovely afternoon reunite and/or meeting new people. As a bonus one can use it for profile pictures too! So if you like this image and you are an art director no matter you know me or not, send me an email. It’s your chance of obtaining a real Marc van Oene. Above all your mother will love it too:)


Author admin

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